Cleaning up grime and dust can be an icky business. In our hurriedness to get the muck out, we repeatedly make use of paper towels and various other cleaning tools for single use purpose. Although these items are more handy and easy to use, they are awfully pernicious, especially when a more eco-friendly solution can easily be used. Instead of using paper towels to wipe windows and mirrors, use scrunched up newspapers. Sew up a few reusable covers for the Swiffer, turn old socks into handy dusters, and cut up old towels to use as cleaning rags. Sponges are good for use as a reusable cleaning tool, but after sometime they become breeding ground for bacteria. You can sanitize them by washing thoroughly and then soaking them in heavily salted cold water for a couple of hours. You can also place the sponges in your microwave to kill germs or run them through the dishwasher’s sanitize cycle along with the dishes.repurposescrubber-carrygreen