Plastic bags are polluting the oceans and littering our land. Single use shopping bags made of plastic are a popular target for the green movement. You can help the environment by using reusable shopping bags, provided you remember to bring them every time you go to the supermarket Tips-reusable-shopping-bag

Below are some tips to help you remember to get your reusable shopping bag –

Start your shopping list by writing “Bring Bags” as the heading

Put the completed shopping list in your reusable bag.

Keep a spare bag in your handbag or glove compartment of your car.

Keep the reusable bag near the front door or hang them on the doorknob

Choose bags with designs and colors that go with your personal style. You are most likely to think of these bags if bags are your accessories.

By taking reusable shopping bags with you every time you go out to buy something will help in preventing hundreds of plastic bags from being dumped in the waste stream.