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  1. Eco-friendly Gift Ideas

    Eco-friendly Gift Ideas - Flaunt Your
    Commitment to the Future of the Planet

    Did you know that according to USAToday, at least 75% of
    consumers prefer to make lifestyle choices that reduce their impact on planet
    Earth? It will also interest you to know that around the time of any holidays
    or events for exchanging presents, Americans are now opting for eco-friendly
    gift ideas and innovative ways of giving them that will minimize the impact on
    the environment. If you’re one of the citizens committed to doing their bit for
    their country, here are a few quick tips on how to make that happen.

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  2. St. Patrick’s Day Gift Ideas - Wear Green, Avoid a Pinch

    Although an Irish tradition to honor St. Patrick, the patron
    saint of Ireland, the festival has long been a part of American celebrations.
    When the Irish arrived as immigrants in the New World, they brought the
    tradition with them. Today, St. Pat’s Day is celebrated with as much fervor as
    the first Irish in the country. In most states, you’ll probably have the
    opportunity to see parades and various other festivities with lots of St.
    Patrick’s Day gift ideas doing the rounds. Incidentally, New York was the first
    city to host a parade in the year, 1762.

    People in moder

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  3. Stumped for Holiday Gift Ideas? Combine Utility with Eco-Friendly Themes

    Stumped for Holiday Gift Ideas? Combine Utility with Eco-Friendly Themes

    With the holidays coming up quickly, you’re probably on the lookout for gifts for friends, family members, and perhaps, clients and employees depending on the scale your business operations. With more than 75% of Americans admitting that they are keenly conscious of their impact on the environment, 2018 is all about eco-friendly holiday gift ideas. Most people you talk to are making an effort to minimize wasteful expenditure and bring their loved ones practical gifts that are sustainable and will help lower the carbon footprint. After all, you do want to bring someone a gift he

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