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Cotton Bags

  1. Pack lightly for Summer Vacation: Few Travel Tips

    Having a successful vacation involves a lot of planning and organizing which needs to be done ahead of time. A vacation can be very relaxing and fulfilling if you plan your schedule accordingly. But it could be disastrous and hectic if you do not have the proper travelling gears to fulfill your need. The following are a few tips of a light packing for summer.

    1. A suitcase: Use a cotton fabric suitcase for your vacation. Cotton suitcases are light to carry, sturdy and easy to use. Pack your clothes, pair of shoes in the cotton suitcase with little or no effort.
    2. A carry on hand luggage bag: Use a carry on hand luggage bags to pack toiletries and entertainments. Use a large ecofriendly jute tote bag with wallet to serve your purpose. This new spacious jute bag from CarryGreen has a high
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  2. Old Become New: Using Tote bags for Art and Craft project in summer

    Jute Hessian or burlap is one of the cheapest, affordable and the toughest of all natural fibers and considered as the fiber of the next generation. It is one of the most versatile, durable natural fibers that are extremely sturdy, strong and has the life expectancy of over a thousand plastic carrier bags.

    Jute bags and cotton totes have numerous uses. Jute and cotton bags can be used as a primary bag, carrying textbooks, folders, lunch, and mails.  It can also be used as a shopping bag primarily because it can be served as a substitute for disposable plastic shopping bags. Both jute and cotton bags can also be used as a Beach bag for all those beach buddies. It is also being widely used as an office bags in developing countries.

    If your jute and cotton totes look old and rusty, in

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  3. Summer Camp Bags for Kids

    “Reduce, reuse, and recycle” is the mantra that our children are now learning in school. Parents should teach their children the importance of using ecofriendly bags as opposed to plastic bags from a very early stage. It is estimated that thousands of seabirds and mammals die each year by ingesting or choking on the discarded plastic bags. Share some of these interesting facts with your kids and teach them the danger of using plastic bags for our planet.


    As summer approaching, kids are getting prepared for summer camps. Jute and cotton Drawstring backpack bags are getting very popular among kids now-a-days. Ecofriendly Drawstring bags are lightweight and foldable for easy transport.  Kids can carry ecofriendly drawstring cotton/jute bags to gym, beach and for summer camp. Here are some of the functions for ecofriendly jute

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  4. How to celebrate Mother’s Day on a low budget

    Mother’s day is a memorable day that you would love to cherish forever. It’s a great time to be with your family, and celebrate the joyous occasion together. But sometimes celebration can bring stress and tension which you surely want to avoid on this special day. Sometimes our hopes and expectations can truly be overwhelming which can spoil the buoyancy of this occasion.

    To celebrate a meaningful mother's day without the stress involved, here are some ideas that will make the occasion more exciting and enjoyable. If you do not want to go for a wallet diet, try some basic things like papers, crayons, albums and other budget friendly items to make gift for your mom which will eventually make her very happy.

    Collect some old family photos and create a collage with those. Frame the photo and present her as a gift. You would never forget her exciting smile when she receives the gift.

    If you have some old records of you and your mom, compile them together and create a C

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  5. Reusable Tote bags for promotional gifts

    There are plenty of stores in the US who are giving away their own custom imprinted promotional items to their customers. Gifts are a way of expressing your gratitude to the customers. Consumers are aware of the environment and are ready to adapt to the policies implemented by ecofriendly companies. An ecofriendly tote bag is the best gift for a promotional giveaway. This really encourages the customers to buy more reusable, ecofriendly bags, thereby reducing the usage of plastic bags which are causing so much harm to the environment.  This functional and fashionable item can be given on many gift-giving occasions. Here are some ideas of using promotional gifts to popularize your company among larger target audience.promotional-items

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  6. Mother’s Day Ecofriendly Gift Ideas

    Eco-friendly Gifts for Mom

    Mother is the symbol of life. She personifies the nature and has a life giving and a nurturing aspect which make the world a better place to live in. For Mother's Day this year, the perfect gift for her will be something ecofriendly and natural that she would adore. Here are some few tips for ecofriendly Mother's Day gifts that she would remember forever. Mothersday

    Buy her gifts she can reuse. Buy lightweight reusable organic jute bags and ecofriendly cotton bags on this special occasion. If your mom is interested in reducing waste, give her m

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  7. How to remove clutter from your house

    Organizing and decluttering your house teach you and your family to be disciplined.  You learn to be structured in the process and eventually you save time and money. Organization brings peace and serenity into your life. Here are some tips to declutter your house in an ecofriendly way.Declutter-yourhouse

    Choose a particular corner to declutter: Chose a particular corner of the room to work with. Do not get distracted by the whole house. For example if you find a fork at one corner of a room, keep it aside for a while. Focus on your area of work and then return the kitchen item when you head towards the kitchen.

    Do not get overwhelmed: Sometimes decluttering your house can be an overwhelming

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  8. How to Reduce Plastic Bag Uses

    Plastic bags have been introduced to the US super market in 1977. It has been estimated that Americans use and throw away about 100 billion plastic bags every year. Only 5% of disposable plastic bags end up being recycled. The oil used to make just 14 plastic bags could make enough fuel to drive a car for one mile. Plastic bags have disastrous effects on the environment as they result to global warming. The following methods need to be adopted to reduce plastic bag uses.reduce-reuse-recycle

    Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle:  Reduce using single use plastic bag at your every trip to the grocery store. Carry cotton bags and jute bags at office, shopping or parties. Use recyclable j

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  9. Earth Day Green Activities for Family


    On April 22 every year billions of people throughout the world celebrate Earth Day to ensure a healthy and sustainable environment for the planet. Earth day is also a fabulous time to arrange some fun activities for the whole family. Here are some fun tips to enjoy earth day with your kids and family.

    Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle:  Reduce using single use plastic bag at your every trip to the grocery store. Carry Green to celebrate Earth Day. Carry cotton bags and jute bags at office, shopping or parties. Create your earth day gifts by using ecofriendly, recyclable bags. Gift earth Day tote jute, cotton bags to your friends and families.  Support the Earth Day by reduce, r

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  10. 12 oz. Cotton Canvas Boat Tote Bag with Front Pocket - DS-8137


    Here I am wasting my time .. sitting in my cube .. hoping its 5 PM,  so I can just log off and go home .. Summer is over and all I wished that I could have gone  to  the beach more .. It would have been so nice for me to have taken a week off and enjoy the sands in my feet.. Get a nice book, a sandwich and lots of sun tan lotion… Oh wait … I would also need a beach bag .. a Bag that goes with the color of my swim suit .. something classy .. something as beautiful as me ..

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